Why Solar?
Did you know that the energy sun provides to the earth for one hour could meet the global energy needs for one year?
Undoubtedly, the sun is a powerful energy source, and even though we are not able but to collect a fraction of this energy, yet harnessing this power by installing solar panels can make a significant difference to the planet AND to your energy bill.
Solar energy has proved to be extremely beneficial - not only for the environment but also for the private economy.
Thanks to available solar panel grants, as well as, the increasingly competitive prices in the market,solar energy has become the main source of energy for more and more families. The technology has been drastically improved the last years and has been complemented by solar battery storage systems, turning solar into a significantly more efficient source of clean energy.
Calculate Your SavingsAll The Tools Did Someone Say Solar??
What is Net Metering?
What Is The Solar Investment Tax Credit?
How Do Solar Warranties Work?
How Do I Know If My Home Is Fit For Solar?
What Is Involved In Going Solar?
Do I Need To Buy A Battery?
Why Is Solar Important For Your Family?
It is well-documented that solar increases the value of your home. The reason for this is that it's a home investment that actually produces income. A solar system sits on your roof and generates electricity, and there is a value for each kilowatt of electricity your system produces.
In fact, each KW you produce is a KW that you don’t have to purchase from your electric company. Plus the future value of all of those savings is valuable to the next buyer of your home.
Another amazing reason to go solar today - get the economic benefits today, and get more for the sale of your home tomorrow.
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Think Solar Is Too Expensive?
One of the biggest questions that everybody has about solar is "How do I pay for it?" The old misconception was that it actually took cash to go solar. People thought, well, solar is expensive, because I have to spend this upfront cash. That could not be further from the truth.
Today, in fact, solar is the least expensive option to get energy in most of the United States. And with low interest rates and lots of finance programs, it is typically easy for most homeowners to get zero-down financing. There are two primary ways to finance your solar system today: with a low interest rate loan or a lease. Let's talk about both options.
A zero down loan means that you can choose a loan term, whether it's five years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, or 25 years. We offer all of those, and we offer them at the most competitive rates possible. Now, when you go solar with a zero down loan, what that means is, you finance the system through your loan provider, and instead of paying a monthly bill to your utility, you simply pay a less expensive monthly payment to your loan provider. So you get to keep the difference.
If, for some reason, a person can't get a loan, they will often choose a lease. This may be because they don't have a tax liability and can't keep the tax credit. A lease is exactly like it sounds - every single month, you'll pay a lease payment. And you'll pay that usually over 20 years. It's that simple. Your lease payment is going to be less than what you used to pay your utility bill, which means you're saving money every single month.
We will help you figure out what is best for you. When you get a proposal from us, our consultants are going to sit down with you. They're going to show you all the different options and help you decide what's best for you. They're going to show you how much money you can save with Powur and we're going to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to understand and make your decision.
Calculate Your SavingsOptions To Purchase Energy
Option #1
Go solar!
Choose to actually take control of your power, take your power back, spend less for solar energy and the energy you need for your home than it currently costs you to get that from your utility, increase the value of your home, be energy independent, and do the right thing for our environment. For goodness sakes, the sunshine doesn't cause pollution, right? So let's stop polluting our air, our land, our water, and let's start powering our lives in a way that as Americans we can really be proud of. We're doing the right thing. We're taking care of future generations. And when history looks back on the actions we took, they're going to know we did the right thing. So that's option number one.
With Powur, we make that incredibly simple for you. Zero down financing, handling the entire project from start to finish. There's really nothing you need to worry about, we're going to take care of it for you.
Option #2
Don't do anything, staying with your utility...and you already know what that is.
Yeah, your lights are probably going to turn on unless there's a big power outage or something. But you're going to spend a lot more for that energy. And you're going to keep paying utility every single month, month after month after month till the day you die.
Just think about it. Are you ever not going to need energy? Unless you're planning on moving to a hut in the woods, you're going to be spending money with your utility company. So why not go solar, do it for less and produce your own energy? And by the way, once that loan payment is paid off, if you do use a zero down option, there's no more payment, you just have free energy. Imagine if you weren't spending anything on a monthly basis for energy.
That's where you can get to with solar versus being stuck in a life long, expensive contract forever with a company that you probably don't even really like, be honest. Do you like your utility company? Do you feel like they're taking care of you? Do they have your back? Well, I can tell you that our sincere aim is to serve you.
We want to be a better energy provider. We want to save you money. We want to help you feel proud of how you power your home. And we want to get you all the best equipment, the best technology to set you up for the future. So those are your two options. And I leave it to you to choose. But I truly and sincerely hope that you go solar with Powur. Let us help you save money and accelerate a sustainable energy future for mankind.
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